Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Advertisements for Software

   Would students, parents, and even more teachers be more curious and aware of what technology could do for our students' futures if we are able to see it on television.  I know that we see commercials for the latest technology, and we are seeing what some of the apps can help us do in our everyday lives, but I would like to see more of what particular software can do to help motivate students.  Granted, I don't watch a lot of television; however, I would like to see a Googledoc commercial where students are home in the evenings, working on a project with their classmates.  The parents don't have to leave home...they can sit and read the paper or whatever they normally do, while their child is working on a class project.  Also, Wii could do commercials advertising their possible benefits in the classroom.  We know how the game can help motivate people with exercise, but what else can Wii do?  How can it be manipulated in the classroom?  A SMART Board commercial would be excellent, as well.  Parents will see these tools, and hopefully try and persuade their local school boards to find funding to provide these beneficial learning tools in the classrooms.

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