Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Needed: Digital Educators for a Digital Generation

     Am I ready to teach in the digital age?  At this moment, I must be honest in saying I have quite a bit to learn.  Do I know more now than I did a month ago?  Absolutely!  According to the ISTE NETS and Performance Indicators for Teachers (NETS-T), found at, there are five standards and performance indicators that are essential for , "effective teachers to model and apply." 
     I am eager to, "facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity," in the classroom.  This is partly why I decided to be a teacher.  There is no place else I have been where a group of people can get together, focus on the same topic, and discuss the issues within the forum.  The teachers I have had were such great facilitators and leaders of great discussions.  They were inspiring and allowed us, the students, to be creative in our responses.  The self-confidence that results from this cooperation in the classroom is long-lasting and can result in great future success for students.
     Resources, technologies, and related programs give teachers the abilities to, "design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments."  The resources shared in the Education Technology course (5010) at East Carolina University offer such a great spring-board for developing effective plans for students.  With these tools, I will be able to focus more accurately on the individual needs of the students.  The software that is available caters to the range of students and facilitates what they need at their specific level of learning.  The varieties of methods of teaching and learning through the advancements of technology, will keep students excited and motivated to continue their education.
     However, the digital age is such a new concept to me.  I listened to my grandmother complain about touch-tone phones and VCRs in the early 1980's.  She still uses her rotary phone today, in the year 2011.  I found myself griping five years ago about why people couldn't just talk on the phone... now I can't imagine life without texting or my Blackberry.  I tried not to comply with reality, but the world is just not letting me be substandard anymore.  As teachers, we have to be on top of the new technologies.  It is up to us to not only educate the students and share with them these new tools we need to be successful in our digital lives, but we must also share with their parents in order for them to understand that technology is the future of our students and children.  Just like learning a new language, the fluency of the digital language takes constant practice and application.  I am not fluent, but I am learning bits and pieces.  I also am enjoying practicing these new ways of learning, hoping to one day be able to share and practice them with the students, as well.
     Just like driving a car, there are rules we must follow to protect ourselves and others when working with the Internet and other technologies.  Even though we don't see a face when we use our computers, we should always assume thousands, if not millions, of people are "sitting and talking" with us.  We are taught to be polite and respectful of others; that does not stop just because we can't see the people reading and observing our thoughts and actions via the computer.  Digital Space has laws that protect our rights and creativities.  As teachers, we must be up to date and advocate for these rights...they belong to us all.
     Finally, this growth I am currently participating in through my EDTC 5010 class at ECU, is just the beginning.  I am demonstrating what I have learned thus far by using an actual blog spot communicating my thoughts for the world, literally, to view.  It is up to me to progress and take advantage of all the education in technology in order to share with my future students.  Just like any education, it is there for the is just up to the taker to do so...  I would be doing a disservice to all of our futures if I didn't. 

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